Case Studies

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CEntre of Competence for the study of ….

CEntre of Competence for the study of Antimicrobial NAtural PROducts from Fungi (CECANAPROF)


Search of antimicrobial secondary……

The project aims to study the fungi associated with two plants of the genus Garcinia: Garcinia lucida and Garcinia cambogia for their capacity to produce novel metabolites, then to select...


Bioprospecting of the Anti-microbial Secondary ….

Bioprospecting of the Anti-microbial Secondary Metabolites from Basidiomycetes Harbored in Central and Western Cameroon Funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation The project aims at assessing the antimicrobial and cytotoxicity...


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CEntre of Competence for the study of ….

CEntre of Competence for the study of Antimicrobial NAtural PROducts from Fungi (CECANAPROF)

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Search of antimicrobial secondary……

The project aims to study the fungi associated with two plants of the genus Garcinia: Garcinia lucida and Garcinia cambogia...

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Bioprospecting of the Anti-microbial Secondary ….

Bioprospecting of the Anti-microbial Secondary Metabolites from Basidiomycetes Harbored in Central and Western Cameroon Funded by the Alexander von Humboldt...