our Projects


We have carried out several projects exploring the constituents of fungi and plants, and the focus of our lab is largely on the isolation and elucidation of structures of bioactive lead compounds.
Our ongoing project funded by the Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation will lead to the creation of CECANAPROF, in collaboration with Professor Dr. Marc Stadler of the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research and the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany (HZI).

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CEntre of Competence for the study of ….

CEntre of Competence for the study of Antimicrobial NAtural PROducts...

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Search of antimicrobial secondary……

The project aims to study the fungi associated with two...

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Bioprospecting of the Anti-microbial Secondary ….

Bioprospecting of the Anti-microbial Secondary Metabolites from Basidiomycetes Harbored in...

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Bioprospecting of endophytic fungi of ….

Bioprospecting of endophytic fungi of Cameroonian medicinal plants collected from...

MSc defence on endophytic fungi