Publications and outputs

Publications and outputs



  1. Beya Wakata, A.S., Kouam, S.F., Kinge, R.T., Nguelefack, T.B., Ngefac, A. (eds.). The Transformative Development of Postcolonial Africa: Voices from Pure and Natural Scientists. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2024. ISBN 1036403122, 9781036403126
  2.  Saxena H.M., Kouam S.F. (eds.). One Health Perspective on Antimicrobial Resistance and Some Strategies for its Mitigation, Allied Publishers, Pvt. Ltd. 2021.


  1.   Tchamgoue, J. and Kouam, S.F. (2024). Future and Promising Targets in the Chemical Investigation of Natural Resources in Cameroon. In: Beya Wakata et al. (eds). The Transformative Development of Postcolonial Africa: Voices from Pure and Natural Scientists. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  2. Tchamgoue, J., Ngandjui, Y.A.T., Talla, R.M., Ambamba, B.D.A., Tchouankeu, J.C., Kouam, S.F. (2023). Extraction of Phytoconstituents for Lifestyle Diseases. In: Dhara, A.K., Mandal, S.C. (eds) Role of Herbal Medicines. Springer, Singapore.
  3. Ngandjui, Y.A.T., Tchamgoue, J., Kagho, D.U.K., Msagati, T.A.M., Ngameni, B., Kouam, S.F. (2023). Chemical Characterization of Phytoconstituents for Lifestyle Diseases. In: Dhara, A.K., Mandal, S.C. (eds) Role of Herbal Medicines. Springer, Singapore. 


  1. Tsakem, B., Tchamgoue, J., Kinge, R.T., Tiani, G.L.M., Teponno, R. B., Kouam, S. F. (2024). Diversity of African fungi, chemical constituents and biological activities, Fitoterapia 178, 106154.
  2. Djeugap, J.F., Mbatkam, B., Kouam, S.F., Nouteka, N.J., Kuenbou, J.M., Teponno, R.B. 2024. Bioactivity of some endophytic fungi from cameroonian medicinal plants against Verticillium alboatrum, Rhizoctonia carotae and Phytophthora megakarya Int. J. Phytopathol. 13(01), 2022. doi: 10.33687/phytopath.013.01.4718 
  3. Tsafack, V.C., Dongmo, A.K., Nono, R.N., Tabekoueng, G.B., Neumann, B., Stammler, H.-G., Bankeu, J.K., Kouam, S.F., Nkeng-Efouet-Alango, P., Lenta, B.N., Norbert Sewald, N., Chouna, J.R. (2024). Bioactive constituents of the stem bark of Bersama abyssinica Fresen subsp. abyssinica Verdc. (Melianthaceae). Phytochemistry Letters 59, 53-58.
  4. Tchamgoue, J., Tchokokam, Y.R.W., Ngouonpe, A.W., Ngandjui, Y.A.T., Tiani, G.L.M., Msagati, T.A.M., Ngadjui, B.T., Green, I.R., Kouam, S.F. (2024). The genus Canthium: A comprehensive summary on its traditional use, phytochemistry, and pharmacological activities. Fitoterapia 172, 105754.
  5. Mountessou, B.Y.G., Anoumedem, E.G.M., Matio Kemkuignou, B., Marin-Felix, Y., Surup, F., Stadler, M., Kouam S.F., (2023). Secondary metabolites of Diaporthe cameroonensis isolated from the Cameroonian medicinal plant Trema guineensis. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 19, 1555–1561.  
  6. Lambert, C., Schweizer, L., Matio Kemkuignou, B., Anoumedem, E.G.M., Kouam, S.F., Marin-Felix, Y. (2023). Four new endophytic species of Diaporthe (Diaporthaceae, Diaporthales) isolated from Cameroon. MycoKeys 99, 319–362. 
  7. Toklo, P.M., Ahomadegbe, M.A., Dah-Nouvlessounon, D., Jouda, J.-B., Tchegnitegni, B.T., Wouamba, S.C.N., Ahoton, D., Assogba, F.M., Tchamgoue, J., Lenta, B.N., Kouam, S.F., Baba-Moussa, L., Ladekan-Yayi, E.C., Gbenou, J.D. (2023). LC-MS identification and preliminary pharmacological study of the aqueous and ethanol extracts from Combretum glutinosum Perr ex DC. (Combretaceae), Clinical Complementary Medicine and Pharmacology, 100106. 
  8. Wandji, N.T., Bitchagno, G.T.M., Mawabo Kamga, I., Tchamgoue, J., Nkenfou, C.N., Lenta, B.N., Sewald, N., Kouam, S.F. (2023). Polyoxygenated Stigmastane-Type Steroids from Vernonia kotschyana Sch. Bip. ex Walp. and Their Chemophenetic Significance. Molecules, 28, 5278. 
  9. Matio Kemkuignou, B., Lambert, C., Stadler, M., Kouam S.F., Marin-Felix, Y. (2023). Unprecedented Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Polyketides from Cultures of Diaporthe africana sp. nov. Journal of Fungi 9, 781. 
  10. Toklo, P.M., Alowanou, G.G., Wouamba, S.C.N., Assogba, F.M., Ahomadegbe, M.A.,  Sakirigui, A., Lenta, B.N., Hounzangbe-Adote, S., Kouam, S.F., Ladekan-Yayi, E.C., Djimon, G.J. (2023). UPLC-QToF-ESI-MS identification and anthelmintic activity of Mitragyna inermis (Willd.) Kuntze (Rubiaceae). Heliyon 9 (6), e16448.
  11. Juidzou, G.T., Anoumedem, E.G.M., Sema, D.K., Tankeu, V.F.T., Leutcha, P.B., Chimi, L.Y., Dzoyem, J.P., Kouam S.F., Sewald, N., Choudhary, M.I., Meli, L.A. (2023). A New Unsaturated Aliphatic Anhydride from Aspergillus candidus T1219W1, an Endophytic Fungus, from Pittosporum mannii Hook f.
  12. Kianfé, B.Y., Tchamgoue, J., Narmani, A., Teponno, R.B., Njouonkou, A.-L., Stadler, M., Kouam, F.S. 2023. Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from Fungi of the Genus Cytospora Ehrenb. (Ascomycota). Molecules 28(7), 3120.
  13. Nguena-Dongue, B.N., Tchamgoue, J., Ngandjui T.Y.A., Lunga, K. P., Toghueo, K.R.M., Zeuko`o, M.E., Melogmo, D.K.Y., Tchouankeu, J.C., Kouam, F.S., Fekam, B.F., 2023. Potentiation effect of mallotojaponin B on chloramphenicol and mode of action of combinations against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Plos one,
  14. Jocelyne Benaille Kenne, Esther Ngo Lemba Tom, Mc Jesus Kinyok, Nyemb Nyunaï, Nourdine Mohamed Kpouhouo, et al. Insight into the Mechanisms Underlying the Tracheorelaxant Activities of Harungana madagascariensis Stem Barks Aqueous Extract. Am J Biomed Sci & Res. 2023 20(2) AJBSR.MS.ID.002686, DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2023.20.002686 
  15. Mountessou, B.Y.G., Mbobda, A.S.W., Stammler, H.-G., Akintemi, E.O., Mbah, M.B., Happi, G.M., Kouam, S.F., Lenta, B.N., Sewald, N., Singh, T., Mbouombouo, I.N. (2023). X-ray crystal structure, spectroscopic analysis, computational quantum chemical and molecular docking studies of a naturally occurring sesquiterpene lactone: costunolide for inhibitor capacity against the main protease of the parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulus.
  16. Matio Kemkuignou, B., Lambert, C., Schmidt, K., Schweizer, L., Anoumedem, E.G.M., Kouam, S. F., Stadler, M., Stradal, T., Marin-Felix, Y. (2023). Unreported cytochalasins from an acid-mediated transformation of cytochalasin J isolated from Diaporthe cf. ueckeri, Fitoterapia 166, 105434.
  17. Mountessou, B.Y.G., Tchamgoue, J., Mouafon, I.L., Green, I.R., Choudhary, M.I., Kouam, S.F. (2023). High potential of the genus Allanblackia (Guttiferae): Phytochemistry, pharmacology, and traditional uses over the past half-century, South African Journal of Botany 153, 321–335.
  18. Matio Kemkuignou, B., Schweizer, L., Lambert, C., Anoumedem, E. G. M., Kouam, S. F., Stadler, M., Marin-Felix, Y. (2022). New polyketides from the liquid culture of Diaporthe breyniae sp. nov. Mycokeys 90, 85–118.
  19. Leutcha, B.P., Dzoyem, J.P., Jouda, J.-B., Sema, D.K., Tsague Tankeu, V.F., Bitchagno, G.T.M., Tchegnitegni, B.T., Essoung, F.R.E., Ndjakou, B.L., Kouam, S.F., Delie, F., Meli, L.A., Sewald, N. (2022). Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities of Constituents from the Fruit of Albizia lebbeck L. Benth (Fabaceae). Molecules, 27, 4823.
  20. Mouafon, I.L., Mountessou, B.Y.G., Lateef, M. Tchamgoue, J., Ali, M.S., Tchouankeu, J.C., Green, I.R., Ngadjui, B.T., Kouam, S.F. (2022). Atricephenols A and B, two phenolic compounds from Indigofera atriceps Hook.f. (Fabaceae). Natural Product Research 37(14), 2319–2326.
  21. Tchamgoue, J., Eyado, A.N., Kamdem, B.P., Ngandjui, Y.A.T., Tchouankeu, J.C., Kouam, S.F., Mekonnen, Y. (2022). In vivo antiplasmodial properties of fractions and flavonoids of Pseudarthria hooheri Wight & Arn. (Fabaceae). Natural Resources for Human Health. 2(3):313–321.
  22. Wandji, N.T., Bitchagno, G.T.M, Tchamgoue, J., Stammler, H.-G., Frese, M., Lenta, B.N., Sewald, N., Kouam, S.F. (2022). Furanocoumarins from the twigs of Ficus chlamydocarpa (Moraceae). Phytochemistry Lett. 47, 3841.
  23. Mbougnia, J.F.T.M., Bitchagno, G.T.M., Wouamba, S.C.N., Jouda, J.-B., Awouafack, M.D., Tene, M., Lenta, B.N., Kouam, S.F., Tane, T., Sewald, N. (2022). Two new triterpenoid fatty acid esters from Schefflera barteri Harms (Araliaceae). Natural Product Research 36:8, 2085-2096.
  24. Mbobda, A.S.W., Ngouonpe, A.W., Happi, G.M., Mountessou, B.Y.G., Monya, E., Jouda, J.-B., Toussie, B.T., Lenta, B.N., Sewald, N., Kouam, S.F., Tchouankeu, J.C. (2021). Pachypodostyflavone, a New 3-methoxy flavone and other constituents with antifilarial activities from the stem bark of Duguetia staudtii. Planta Med Int Open 8, e56–e61.
  25. Happi, G.M., Mbobda, A.S.W., Frese, M., Kouam, S.F., Tchouankeu, J.C., Lenta, B.N., Sewald, N. (2021). A new phenylpropanoid glycoside from Psorospermum tenuifolium Kotschy (Hypericaceae). Trends Phytochem. Res. 5(1), 31–36.
  26. Ladekan-Yayi, E.C., Toklo, P.M., Dah-Nouvlessounon, D., Assogba, F.M., Wouamba, S.C.N., Tchegnitegni, B.T., Alowanou, G.G., Baba-Moussa, L., Hounzangbe-Adote, S., Lenta, B.N., Kouam, S.F., Djimon, G.J. (2021). Anthelmintic and Antimicrobial Activities of Tannin Extracts of Mitragyna inermis (Willd.) Kuntze (Rubiaceae) and Combretum glutinosum Perr. ex DC (Combretaceae). American Journal of Applied Chemistry. 9(5), 145–153.
  27. Kemayou, G.P.M., Kache, S.F., Dzouemo, L.C., Happi, G.M., Kouam, S.F., Tchouankeu, J.C., (2021). Phytochemistry, traditional uses, and pharmacology of the genus Ekebergia (Meliaceae): A review. Trends Phytochem. Res. 5(3) 2021 110–125.
  28. Toklo, P.M., Yayi Ladekan, E., Linden, A., Hounzangbe-Adote, S., Kouam, S.F., Gbenou, J.D. (2021). Anthelmintic flavonoids and other compounds from Combretum glutinosum Perr. ex DC (Combretaceae) leaves. Acta Cryst. C77, doi:10.1107/S2053229621007841.
  29. Menye, C., Ndom F.R., Ngabireng, C.M., Kouam, S.F. (2021). Quantum and Structural Molecular Fragment models used to predict anti-inflammatory activity Journal of Computational Chemistry & Molecular Modeling 5 (1), 550–560.
  30. Menye, C., Ngabireng, C.M., Kouam, S.F. (2021). Study of N-Arylanthranilic Acids Derivates as the Potential Anti-Inflammatory Agents. Der Pharmacia Lettre 13 (6): 79–90.
  31. Nguiam, M.P., Wouamba S.C.N., Longo, F., Kamkumo, R.G., Foweda, L.D.K., Dzeufiet, P.D.D., Ndjakou, B.L., Sewald, N., Boyom, F.F., Kouam, S.F., Dimo, T. (2021). Antibacterial and antishigellosis activity of Xylopia staudtii (engl. & diels), Annonaceae. J. Ethnopharmacol. 280, 114406
  32. Njanpa C.A.N., Wouamba S.C.N., Yamthe L.R.T., Dize D., Tchatat B.M.T., Tsouh, P.V.F., Pouofo, M.N., Jouda, J.B., Ndjakou, B.L., Sewald, N., Kouam, S.F., Boyom, F.F. (2021). Bio-guided isolation of anti-leishmanial natural products from Diospyros gracilescens L. (Ebenaceae) BMC complementary medicine and therapies 21 (1), 106
  33. Kemgni, M.F., Chenda L.B.N., Tchamgoue, J., Kenfack, P.K., Ngandjui, Y.A.T., Wouamba, S.C.N., Tiani, G.L.M., Green, I.R., Kouam, S.F. (2021). Greenwaylactams A, B and C, the First Group of Sesquiterpene Alkaloids with an Eight‐Membered Lactam Ring from Greenwayodendron oliveri. ChemistrySelect, 6(7), 1705–1709.
  34. Mouafon, I.L., Tiani, G.L.M., Mountessou, B.Y.G., Lateef, M. Ali, M.S., Green, I.R., Ngadjui, B.T., Kouam, S.F. (2021). Chemical constituents of the medicinal plant Indigofera spicata Forsk. (Fabaceae) and their chemophenetic significance. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 95, 104230.
  35. Mbougnia, J.F.T.M., Happi, G.M., Bitchagno, G.T.M., Awouafack, M.D., Lenta, B.N., Kouam, S.F., Tane, T., Sewald, N., Tene, M., (2021). Chemical constituents from Ficus natalensis hochst (Moraceae) and their chemophenetic significance. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 95, 104227
  36. Happi, G.M., Mouthe Kemayou, G.P., Stammler, H.-G., Neumann, B., Ismail, M., Kouam, S.F., Wansi, J.D., Tchouankeu, J.C., Lenta B.N., Sewald, N. (2021). Three phragmalin-type limonoids orthoesters and the structure of odoratone isolated from the bark of Entandrophragma candollei (Meliaceae). Phytochemistry, 181, 112537.
  37. Kemayou, G.P.M., Happi, G.M., Ngandjui, Y.A.T., Tchouankeu, J.C., Sewald, N., Ali, M.S., Kouam, S.F. (2021). Senegalin, a new phenylpropanoid and other secondary metabolites from the stem bark of Ekebergia senegalensis A. Juss. (Meliaceae). Natural Product Research 35(21), 3694-3700. 


  1. « Biosafety considerations in the chemical investigation of fungi ». DAAD Alumni workshop, 5–7 June 2024, Yaounde-Cameroon (Oral presentation).
  2. « Fungi and artificial intelligence ». DAAD Alumni workshop, 1–3 May 2024, Douala-Cameroon (Oral presentation).
  3. « Chemical investigation of natural resources from Cameroon: Current status and outlook ». Humboldt Kolleg (HAC), 21–23 February 2024, Douala-Cameroon (Oral presentation).
  4. « Natural products and a new research perspective for Cameroonian chemists ». Third Network Meeting of the Yaoundé-Bielefeld SDG Bilateral Graduate School (YaBiNaPA), 6–10 February 2023, Yaounde-Cameroon (Oral presentation). 
  5. « Natural products research in Cameroon: How can we bridge the academia-industry gaps?  » DAAD Colloquim, 27–30 September 2022, Dschang-Cameroon (Oral presentation).
  6. « Coprophilous fungi: An effective alternative source of plant-derived bioactive compounds for pharmacological studies ». DAAD Colloquim, 27–29 July, 2022, Yaounde-Cameroon (Oral presentation). 
  7. « A small fungal bank establishment and the chemical investigation of Simplicillium subtropicum harboured in a Cameroonian medicinal plant, Duguetia staudtii ». TWAS 29th General Meeting and 15th General Conference, 1–4 November 2021, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Poster presentation).
  8. « Cameroon biodiversity: An untapped reservoir for the discovery of new fungal strains as source of bioactive compounds ». DAAD Colloquim, 7–9 October 2020, Yaounde-Cameroon (Oral presentation). 
  9.  « Fungal bank establishment of endophytic fungi harbored in some selected Cameroonian medicinal plants ». Humboldt Kolleg (HAC), 3–6 April 2019, Yaounde-Cameroon (Oral Presentation). 
  10. « Plant based herbal drugs from Cameroon biodiversity: Pseudarthria hookeri (Fabaceae) as a case study ». Second Network Meeting of the Yaoundé-Bielefeld SDG Bilateral Graduate School (YaBiNaPA), 12–16 February 2019, Yaounde-Cameroon (Oral Presentation). 
  11. « Potent antibacterial flavonoids from Pseudathria hookeri Wight & Arn (Fabaceae) ». Surveillance and response to infectious diseases and comorbidities, 11–13 April 2018, Durban-South Africa (Oral Presentation).
  12. « Pseudarthria hookeri: a valuable plant for the sustainable management of diabetes ». Humboldt Kolleg (HAC), 8–11 March 2017, Yaounde-Cameroon (Oral Presentation).


  • Tchamgoue, Joseph, Tchokokam, Yvan Romuald W., Ngouonpe, Alain W., Ngandjui, Yvan Anderson T., Tiani, Gesquière Laure M., Msagati, Titus A.M., Ngadjui, Bonaventure T., Green, Ivan R., Kouam, Simeon F. The genus Canthium: A comprehensive summary on its traditional use, phytochemistry, and pharmacological activities. Fitoterapia.


  • Mountessou, B.Y.G., Anoumedem, E.G.M., Matio Kemkuignou, B., Marin-Felix, Y., Surup, F., Stadler, M., Kouam S.F., (2023). Secondary metabolites of Diaporthe cameroonensis isolated from the Cameroonian medicinal plant Trema guineensis. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 19, 1555–1561


  • Lambert, C., Schweizer, L., Matio Kemkuignou, B., Anoumedem, E.G.M., Kouam, S.F., Marin-Felix, Y. (2023). Four new endophytic species of Diaporthe (Diaporthaceae, Diaporthales) isolated from Cameroon. MycoKeys 99, 319–362.


  • Toklo, P.M., Ahomadegbe, M.A., Dah-Nouvlessounon, D., Jouda, J.-B., Tchegnitegni, B.T., Wouamba, S.C.N., Ahoton, D., Assogba, F.M., Tchamgoue, J., Lenta, B.N., Kouam, S.F., Baba-Moussa, L., Ladekan-Yayi, E.C., Gbenou, J.D. (2023). LC-MS identification and preliminary pharmacological study of the aqueous and ethanol extracts from Combretum glutinosum Perr ex DC. (Combretaceae), Clinical Complementary Medicine and Pharmacology, 100106.


  • Wandji, N.T., Bitchagno, G.T.M., Mawabo Kamga, I., Tchamgoue, J., Nkenfou, C.N., Lenta, B.N., Sewald, N., Kouam, S.F. (2023). Polyoxygenated Stigmastane-Type Steroids from Vernonia kotschyana Bip. ex Walp. and Their Chemophenetic Significance. Molecules, 28, 5278.


  • Matio Kemkuignou, B., Lambert, C., Stadler, M., Kouam S.F., Marin-Felix, Y. (2023). Unprecedented Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Polyketides from Cultures of Diaporthe africana nov. Journal of Fungi 9, 781.


  • Juidzou, G.T., Anoumedem, E.G.M., Sema, D.K., Tankeu, V.F.T., Leutcha, P.B., Chimi, L.Y., Dzoyem, J.P., Kouam S.F., Sewald, N., Choudhary, M.I., Meli, L.A. (2023). A New Unsaturated Aliphatic Anhydride from Aspergillus candidus T 12 19W1, an Endophytic Fungus, from Pittosporum mannii Hook f. Journal of Chemistry, 2023.


  • Kianfé, B.Y., Tchamgoue, J., Narmani, A., Teponno, R.B., Njouonkou, A.-L., Stadler, M., Kouam, F.S. Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from Fungi of the Genus Cytospora Ehrenb. (Ascomycota). Molecules 28(7), 3120.


  • Nguena-Dongue, B.N., Tchamgoue, J., Ngandjui T.Y.A., Lunga, K. P., Toghueo, K.R.M., Zeuko`o, M.E., Melogmo, D.K.Y., Tchouankeu, J.C., Kouam, F.S., Fekam, B.F., 2023. Potentiation effect of mallotojaponin B on chloramphenicol and mode of action of combinations against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Plos one,


  • Mountessou, B.Y.G., Mbobda, A.S.W., Stammler, H.-G., Akintemi, E.O., Mbah, M.B., Happi, G.M., Kouam, S.F., Lenta, B.N., Sewald, N., Singh, T., Mbouombouo, I.N. (2023). X-ray crystal structure, spectroscopic analysis, computational quantum chemical and molecular docking studies of a naturally occurring sesquiterpene lactone: costunolide for inhibitor capacity against the main protease of the parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulus.


  • Matio Kemkuignou, B., Lambert, C., Schmidt, K., Schweizer, L., Anoumedem, E.G.M., Kouam, S. F., Stadler, M., Stradal, T., Marin-Felix, Y. (2023). Unreported cytochalasins from an acid-mediated transformation of cytochalasin J isolated from Diaporthe ueckeri, Fitoterapia 166, 105434.
  • Mountessou, B.Y.G., Mbobda, A.S.W., Stammler, H.-G., Akintemi, E.O., Mbah, M.B., Happi, G.M., Kouam, S.F., Lenta, B.N., Sewald, N., Singh, T., Mbouombouo, I.N. (2023). X-ray crystal structure, spectroscopic analysis, computational quantum chemical and molecular docking studies of a naturally occurring sesquiterpene lactone: costunolide for inhibitor capacity against the main protease of the parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulus.


  • Matio Kemkuignou, B., Lambert, C., Schmidt, K., Schweizer, L., Anoumedem, E.G.M., Kouam, S. F., Stadler, M., Stradal, T., Marin-Felix, Y. (2023). Unreported cytochalasins from an acid-mediated transformation of cytochalasin J isolated from Diaporthe ueckeri, Fitoterapia 166, 105434.


  • Mountessou, B.Y.G., Tchamgoue, J., Mouafon, I.L., Green, I.R., Choudhary, M.I., Kouam, S.F. (2023). High potential of the genus Allanblackia (Guttiferae): Phytochemistry, pharmacology, and traditional uses over the past half-century, South African Journal of Botany 153, 321–335.


  • Matio Kemkuignou, B., Schweizer, L., Lambert, C., Anoumedem, E. G. M., Kouam, S. F., Stadler, M., Marin-Felix, Y. (2022). New polyketides from the liquid culture of Diaporthe breyniae nov. Mycokeys 90, 85–118. 10.3897/mycokeys.90.82871


  • Leutcha, B.P., Dzoyem, J.P., Jouda, J.-B., Sema, D.K., Tsague Tankeu, V.F., Bitchagno, G.T.M., Tchegnitegni, B.T., Essoung, F.R.E., Ndjakou, B.L., Kouam, S.F., Delie, F., Meli, L.A., Sewald, N. (2022). Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities of Constituents from the Fruit of Albizia lebbeck Benth (Fabaceae). Molecules, 27, 4823.


  • Mouafon, I.L., Mountessou, B.Y.G., Lateef, M. Tchamgoue, J., Ali, M.S., Tchouankeu, J.C., Green, I.R., Ngadjui, B.T., Kouam, S.F. (2022). Atricephenols A and B, two phenolic compounds from Indigofera atricepsf. (Fabaceae). Natural Product Research 37(14), 2319–2326.


  • Tchamgoue, J., Eyado, A.N., Kamdem, B.P., Ngandjui, Y.A.T., Tchouankeu, J.C., Kouam, S.F., Mekonnen, Y. (2022). In vivo antiplasmodial properties of fractions and flavonoids of Pseudarthria hooheri Wight & Arn. (Fabaceae). Natural Resources for Human Health. 2(3):313–321.


  • Wandji, N.T., Bitchagno, G.T.M, Tchamgoue, J., Stammler, H.-G., Frese, M., Lenta, B.N., Sewald, N., Kouam, S.F. (2022). Furanocoumarins from the twigs of Ficus chlamydocarpa (Moraceae). Phytochemistry Lett. 47, 38-


  • Mbougnia, J.F.T.M., Bitchagno, G.T.M., Wouamba, S.C.N., Jouda, J.-B., Awouafack, M.D., Tene, M., Lenta, B.N., Kouam, S.F., Tane, T., Sewald, N. (2022). Two new triterpenoid fatty acid esters from Schefflera barteri Harms (Araliaceae). Natural Product Research 36:8, 2085-2096.


  • Mbobda, A.S.W., Ngouonpe, A.W., Happi, G.M., Mountessou, B.Y.G., Monya, E., Jouda, J.-B., Toussie, B.T., Lenta, B.N., Sewald, N., Kouam, S.F., Tchouankeu, J.C. (2021). Pachypodostyflavone, a New 3-methoxy flavone and other constituents with antifilarial activities from the stem bark of Duguetia staudtii. Planta Med Int Open 8, e56–e61.


  • Happi, G.M., Mbobda, A.S.W., Frese, M., Kouam, S.F., Tchouankeu, J.C., Lenta, B.N., Sewald, N. (2021). A new phenylpropanoid glycoside from Psorospermum tenuifolium Kotschy (Hypericaceae). Trends Phytochem. Res. 5(1), 31–36.


  • Ladekan-Yayi, E.C., Toklo, P.M., Dah-Nouvlessounon, D., Assogba, F.M., Wouamba, S.C.N., Tchegnitegni, B.T., Alowanou, G.G., Baba-Moussa, L., Hounzangbe-Adote, S., Lenta, B.N., Kouam, S.F., Djimon, G.J. (2021). Anthelmintic and Antimicrobial Activities of Tannin Extracts of Mitragyna inermis (Willd.) Kuntze (Rubiaceae) and Combretum glutinosum ex DC (Combretaceae). American Journal of Applied Chemistry. 9(5), 145–153.


  • Kemayou, G.P.M., Kache, S.F., Dzouemo, L.C., Happi, G.M., Kouam, S.F., Tchouankeu, J.C., (2021). Phytochemistry, traditional uses, and pharmacology of the genus Ekebergia (Meliaceae): A review. Trends Phytochem. Res. 5(3) 2021 110–125.


  • Toklo, P.M., Yayi Ladekan, E., Linden, A., Hounzangbe-Adote, S., Kouam, S.F., Gbenou, J.D. (2021). Anthelmintic flavonoids and other compounds from Combretum glutinosum ex DC (Combretaceae) leaves. Acta Cryst. C77, doi:10.1107/S2053229621007841.


  • Menye, C., Ndom F.R., Ngabireng, C.M., Kouam, S.F. (2021). Quantum and Structural Molecular Fragment models used to predict anti-inflammatory activity Journal of Computational Chemistry & Molecular Modeling 5 (1), 550–560.


  • Menye, C., Ngabireng, C.M., Kouam, S.F. (2021). Study of N-Arylanthranilic Acids Derivates as the Potential Anti-Inflammatory Agents. Der Pharmacia Lettre 13 (6): 79–90.


  • Nguiam, M.P., Wouamba S.C.N., Longo, F., Kamkumo, R.G., Foweda, L.D.K., Dzeufiet, P.D.D., Ndjakou, B.L., Sewald, N., Boyom, F.F., Kouam, S.F., Dimo, T. (2021). Antibacterial and antishigellosis activity of Xylopia staudtii (engl. & diels), Annonaceae. J. Ethnopharmacol. 280, 114406


  • Njanpa C.A.N., Wouamba S.C.N., Yamthe L.R.T., Dize D., Tchatat B.M.T., Tsouh, P.V.F., Pouofo, M.N., Jouda, J.B., Ndjakou, B.L., Sewald, N., Kouam, S.F., Boyom, F.F. (2021). Bio-guided isolation of anti-leishmanial natural products from Diospyros gracilescens (Ebenaceae) BMC complementary medicine and therapies 21 (1), 106


  • Kemgni, M.F., Chenda L.B.N., Tchamgoue, J., Kenfack, P.K., Ngandjui, Y.A.T., Wouamba, S.C.N., Tiani, G.L.M., Green, I.R., Kouam, S.F. (2021). Greenwaylactams A, B and C, the First Group of Sesquiterpene Alkaloids with an Eight‐Membered Lactam Ring from Greenwayodendron oliveri. ChemistrySelect, 6(7), 1705–1709.


  • Mouafon, I.L., Tiani, G.L.M., Mountessou, B.Y.G., Lateef, M. Ali, M.S., Green, I.R., Ngadjui, B.T., Kouam, S.F. (2021). Chemical constituents of the medicinal plant Indigofera spicata (Fabaceae) and their chemophenetic significance. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 95, 104230.


  • Mbougnia, J.F.T.M., Happi, G.M., Bitchagno, G.T.M., Awouafack, M.D., Lenta, B.N., Kouam, S.F., Tane, T., Sewald, N., Tene, M., (2021). Chemical constituents from Ficus natalensis hochst (Moraceae) and their chemophenetic significance. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 95, 104227


  • Happi, G.M., Mouthe Kemayou, G.P., Stammler, H.-G., Neumann, B., Ismail, M., Kouam, S.F., Wansi, J.D., Tchouankeu, J.C., Lenta B.N., Sewald, N. (2021). Three phragmalin-type limonoids orthoesters and the structure of odoratone isolated from the bark of Entandrophragma candollei (Meliaceae). Phytochemistry, 181, 112537.


  • Saxena H.M., Kouam S.F. (2021). One Health Perspective on Antimicrobial Resistance and Some Strategies for its Mitigation, Allied Publishers, Pvt. Ltd.


  • Kemayou, G.P.M., Happi, G.M., Ngandjui, Y.A.T., Tchouankeu, J.C., Sewald, N., Ali, M.S., Kouam, S.F. (2021). Senegalin, a new phenylpropanoid and other secondary metabolites from the stem bark of Ekebergia senegalensis Juss. (Meliaceae). Natural Product Research 35(21), 3694-3700.




  • DAAD Alumni Conference on Contribution of Science Diplomacy to Sustainable Development Dschang-Cameroon. “Alumni programme at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Humboldt Research Hub-CECANAPROF activities” 67 participants (Oral Presentation). Simeon Kouam Fogue
  • DAAD Alumni Conference on Traditional Medicine: science, policy and ethics, Yaounde-Cameroon. « Fungi, their isolation, identification and biological activity of chemical constituents for medicinal purpose » 60 participants (Oral Presentation). Simeon Kouam Fogue
  • DAAD Alumni Conference on Feasible Approaches to Alleviate Rising Food Insecurity in Cameroon, Bafoussam-Cameroon. « Fungi as a valuable resource to mitigate the impact of food insecurity, climate change, and infectious diseases » 55 participants (Oral Presentation). Joseph Tchamgoue and Simeon F. Kouam
  • 8th Life science Conference of the Cameroon Forum for Biological Sciences, Dschang-Cameroon. « Search for new antimicrobial leads from Endomelaconiopsis endophytica: Application of the OSMAC approach », 100 participants (Poster Presentation). Patrick Dibouloul, Joseph Tchamgoue, Yasmina Marin-Felix, Marc Stadler and Simeon F. Kouam
  • DAAD Gradual school (YaBiNaPA) Network meeting on The importance of data management for the sustainable valorization of bio-resources, Yaounde-Cameroon. « Natural products and a new research perspective for Cameroonian chemists », 100 participants (Keynote Speaker). Joseph Tchamgoue and Simeon F. Kouam
  • Conference on harnessing academic research results and creating wealth for sustainable development, Dschang-Cameroon. « Chemical study of fungi for the production of bioactive compounds », 500 participants (Oral presentation). Remy Bertrand Teponno
  • 10th Conference for young chemist from the Brunswick region, Braunschweig, Germany. « Exploitation of Diaporthe for bioactive secondary metabolites ». (Poster presentation) Blondelle Matio Kemkuignou
  • 14th Annual Retreat of the HZI Graduate School; Haus der Wissenschaften, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. « Investigation of chemical and biological diversity of Diaporthe isolated from Cameroonian medicinal plants ». (Poster presentation) Blondelle Matio Kemkuignou


  • 2022
  • DAAD Colloquium on Climate change: impacts on biodiversity and agriculture, Yaounde-Cameroon. « Coprophilous fungi: An effective alternative source of plant-derived bioactive compounds for pharmacological studies », 100 participants (Oral Presentation). Joseph
    • Tchamgoue and Simeon F. Kouam
    • Humboldt Kolleg on The Transformative Development of Postcolonial Africa: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Yaounde-Cameroon. « Future targets in the chemical investigation of natural resources in Cameroon », 50 participants (Keynote Speaker). Joseph Tchamgoue and Simeon F. Kouam
    • University seminar. Halle, Germany. « Natural Products and a New Research Perspective for Cameroonian Researchers » (Invited speaker). Simeon F. Kouam
    • CytoLabs-DFG Research Unit FOR-5170 Spring Meeting, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany; “Cytochalasins from the genus Diaporthe” (Plenary lecture) Blondelle Matio Kemkuignou,


    • Humboldt Kolleg on Reframing the world after the Covid-19 pandemic: Contribution of African academics, Yaounde-Cameroon. « Traditional medicine and natural resources; a reconsideration in the management of emerging diseases », 120 participants (Keynote Speaker). Simeon F. Kouam